For limited time only!
The Foundation
classes are complimentary
Path One: : Out of the Way with What Gets in the Way
(14 contact hours)
On Path One you learn how to awaken and activate the most supportive aspects of your brain to create robust mental muscles to accomplish whatever you set yourself to do. We explore why even with the best intentions to change our lives for the better, we struggle and quit more often than not.
Since most people have far more potential than they have tapped, the sessions on this path show you how to tap into your unused potential, how to recognize your own mental roadblocks, and how to minimize their impact.
Path Two: Building Your Home for Happiness and Well-Being
(14 contact hours)
Path Two offers a holistic approach as it covers the seven main areas of people’s lives: personal power, mind, heart, body, soul, purpose, and people. The approach is represented metaphorically as the components of a house, where every aspect supports and complements all others. The stronger they are individually, the more overall power the house has.
For each area, we explore principles and habits on how to raise our happiness and well-being levels with a long-lasting effect. The sessions are experiential and provide several opportunities for active participation.
After the completion of each path, you will receive a certificate indicating the number of hours of participation.
Stay in the lookout for ancillary sessions that expand on the material introduced during the paths' sessions.
New paths coming every quarter!
Coming up this summer:
Path Three: Understand, Choose, and Shift Your Energy to Create a Life You Love
Path Four: How to Make Transformative, Permanent Changes for a Life You Love
Habit development and goal setting are at the center of the work, as is reflected in the Paths the Academy offers. Conceptual understanding is of no use if actions are not put into place.
Be ready to set goals for yourself, learn how to develop and keep habits that support those goals, and see a life you love unfold before your eyes.
In addition to the programming, you get to be in a pod with others to walk your journey. Research shows that it is 500% more likely that you will achieve your goals if you have a person or group to be accountable to.