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Welcome to
Opening HEARTS Academy

The Opening HEARTS Academy teaches its members how to reach unshakable fulfillment, joy and inner peace; and to rekindle their life's purpose through carefully designed, empowering programing.


As you move through our offerings, you develop strong well-being habits that help you  find the courage, strength, and persistence to create a life you love.


Why Join the Opening HEARTS Academy?

How would you like  to


  • feel happy and satisfied for no particular reason? Alive, vital and energetic? Enthusiastic about the things you do?


  • experience a deep sense of inner peace, happiness, and well-being regardless of external circumstances?


  • look for the gift or the lesson in everything that happens?


  • live a life of purpose, creativity and freedom that is authentic to you?


  • release patterns and habits that are not aligned with who you are and your highest good?

Take the quiz to determine your levels of happiness and well-being.


If you score less than 5's across the board, our programs are for you!

Shared with permission

Flower in Sunlight

No matter what happens in your life, you tend to return to a fixed range of happiness unless you make a concerted effort to change it.

Marci Shimoff

What percentage of behaviors are habitual?

a) at least 10%

b) at least 30%

c) at least 60%

d) at least 90%

Find out here!

d) at least 90%




We grow, find ourselves, and heal in community.

The Academy offers certificates in different paths or tracks. Each path is carefully designed with classes that complement each other. They give you enough knowledge, skills, and practices for you to get closer to creating a life you love by following the lead of HEARTS.

The classes are experiential and provide several opportunities for active participation.

No previous experience is necessary.


Individual Support

Deep dive in your individual work as you discover specific areas of your life you want to work on, transform, and accelerate.


Choose the modality that resonates and aligns with you.


Affirming & Inclusive Community

Attend the virtual complimentary fire chat sessions to continue to know each other, develop genuine connections, receive loving support, and create community together.


In addition to bonding with your path's cohort and the fire chat attendees, sign up for a pod or constellation, a small  group of peers with whom to walk the journey, to get the accountability and support you need to accomplish your goals.

The Foundation classes are complimentary

For limited time only!


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